Will there be any car scene this year?
With the outbreak of COVID-19 this year we’ve seen a worldwide impact on nearly everyone’s life. From states of emergency, to shutting down all non-essential services, to social distancing. This has had a major impact on the automotive world from racing series being postponed or cancelled, new care sales plummeting, to something more close to home with the annual Draggins Car Show being cancelled this year.
With everyone feeling the uncertainty there is a lot of uncertainty on the future of car scenes around the world for this year. Formula 1 has launched an Esports racing series to replace the postponed Grand Prix to provide racing for the drivers and fans. Car manufacturers went to online car launches after the Geneva car show was cancelled this year, with some utilizing YouTubers with the launches.
With this happening on such a large scale, and local restrictions on gatherings over 50 people, what’s going to happen to the local car scene?
Last year I attended a number of car shows around Saskatoon, from small gatherings of enthusiasts to huge expos like Driven 2019. As of right now, it is unlikely that the car scene will be very active this year. And even when the restrictions do get lifted, it is unlikely that events will be as large as past years. I’m hoping that the annual Rock 102 Custom Car Show is able to still go ahead as planned.
With the local racing scene changing for this anyways, with the closure of the 3 Flags Motorsport Park, I had been hopeful of a new place to go racing. Currently I can’t even get my karting fix at the local (indoor) karting track because of the restrictions!
Here’s to hoping that this all passes soon and we can move on with our lives.
Safe motoring everyone.