
Welcome to At the Apex

First of all I want to thank everyone who has made At the Apex a possibility. Creating a place where people with interests in cars, racing, automotive technology and sharing their passions has been a dream of mine for sometime.  With the love and support of both my friends and family I have finally done what I have wanted to do for a long time.

At the Apex is a collaboration with one of my closest friends, Ryan O’Connor.  He is an absolute car fanatic who loves to buy and sell cool cars, do his own wrenching and is always up for a chat about anything with 4 wheels with anyone he meets.

You can expect to see and hear some interesting and informative content, both written as blogs and on podcasts.  In the near future there will be an in-depth discussion about how At the Apex came to be, why it exists and who we are in the first podcast.  The podcasts will be found on the Podcasts page and can be found under on iTunes and Google Podcasts.  If you have an interesting idea for us to discuss you can submit your ideas to

We have some interesting content coming up, so stay tuned.  If you would like to keep in touch with us sign up to stay up to date with exclusive content and updates about At the Apex!


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